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UAEU Explores Professional Development Programs with the US

H.E. Dr. Ali Rashid Al Noaimi, Vice Chancellor of United Arab Emirates University (UAEU), met with a delegation from the American Council on Education (ACE) at the new campus in Al Ain, who were interested to learn about the higher education sector in the UAE, particularly at the 3 federal institutions and to also discuss the ACE Professional Development Program.

This program allows aspiring University leaders, known as “ACE Fellows” to conduct an international study tour and for the rest of their fellowship time, they are placed with a mentor at another University in the US to shadow their mentors for 6-12 months. This visit was part of their international study tour and the leader of the group was an employee from HCT at the Ras Al Khaimah campus, who is currently an ACE Fellow.


During the meeting, Dr. Al Noaimi indicated, "We welcome the opportunity to learn from these Fellows what they have gained from the program, as we are looking to encourage more professional development and mentoring for our own UAE national faculty and staff members and it also allows us to explore other possible shorter term models of professional development through ACE and build relations with US universities.”

He presented a brief presentation about UAEU, its establishment and challenges facing the leading members of the University.  He explained that the vision and support of H.H. Sheikh Nahayan Mabarak Al Nahayan, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, UAEU Chancellor, were the reasons behind the scientific and educational development of higher education and scientific research in UAE. Dr. Al Noaimi also described the colleges and departments of the University, academic programs, international accreditation and the advanced status of the University among other international universities.

"UAEU has a distinguished community including local, Arab and foreign students. The faculty members represent different countries and cultures which is reflected in the diversity of the students’ knowledge and culture. In addition, there are a number of our students who are currently undertaking training, studies and research in Europe and the US," Dr. Al Noaimi added.

The delegation raised a number of inquiries concerning UAEU’s technological methods used in teaching, the academic programs offered and how they meet the needs of the job market in the UAE and the government plans in the fields of construction, development and energy in which Prof. Mohamed Yousif Baniyas, UAEU Provost, responded.


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